Year 5Welcome to White Class |
We hope you enjoy looking at our page and finding out about the wonderful and exciting things we are doing each term! Please look on the curriculum section of the class page to discover more about what your child will be learning in Year Five.
The adults helping your child this year will be Mrs Murphy, Mrs Mellor, Mrs Dale and Mr Pecket.
A few reminders for the term ahead:
- Our PE days are Mondays and Wednesdays. Full indoor kit (white t-shirt, black shorts and trainers) and outdoor PE kit is essential and should be kept in school at all times.
- Please can you ensure that all clothing are clearly labelled with your child’s name.
- Water bottles should be brought in daily and taken home for washing at the end of each day.
- Reading books and reading records need to be in school daily. Reading books will be changed on your child’s reading day, as long as your child has read at home and completed the book quiz. Please try and listen to your child read at often as possible and discuss the text with them to check understanding.
- Homework will be given out on Monday to be brought back to school the following Monday.
Please note that teachers no longer access Dojo messages; therefore, all correspondence must be made through the school office.
Many thanks for your continued support
Mrs Murphy
Teaching and Learning Letters
- White Class Teaching and Learning Letter - autumn 1
- White Class Teaching and Learning Letter - autumn 2
- White Class Teaching and Learning Letter - spring 1
- White Class Teaching and Learning Letter - spring 2
- White Class Teaching and Learning Letter - summer 1
- White Class Teaching and Learning Letter - summer 2