Fir Bank Primary School


At Fir Bank, the curriculum is designed to provide a broad and balanced education that meets the needs of all our children.

It acknowledges prior learning; allows children to develop emotional intelligence, empathy and resilience; builds responsibility; and supports children in becoming creative and critical thinkers who know how to make a positive contribution to their community and the wider society. We seek to support the development of the whole child and every child is recognised as a unique individual.

Our curriculum aims to engage and inspire our children through themed and discreet subject teaching that is in line with the national curriculum and foundation stage. We ensure that there are clear sequences of learning that build on knowledge and understanding across all subjects and all teachers are aware of the knowledge children will have gained in each year and stage of their education. Where gaps are identified, interventions are used to support this. Children’s learning is underpinned by making clear links to prior learning. We assess the children’s curriculum knowledge and plan meaningful sequences tailored to this. We value practice and revision to support long term learning.

Children with special educational needs are given time to refine and practice the learning that they need. Bespoke plans and interventions ensure that all of our children make progress.

Cultural capital gives our students the vital background knowledge required to be informed and thoughtful members of our community who understand and believe in British values. Our curriculum reflects this.
Our core values support our curriculum provision. We promote children having a positive attitude towards their learning, being helpful caring people, being able to persevere when learning is challenging, being able to celebrate their own success and the success of others around them.

Ultimately it is our aim that our curriculum supports and challenges all children of all abilities. We understand that every child is unique, and we have high expectations for all. Our curriculum will enable all children to make progress to reach their full potential and to be proud of themselves and their success.

Our school has three different key stages within it:

Foundation Stage is Reception (3 to 5).  We have a Nursery and Reception class. The curriculum in the Foundation Stage is called the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum.

Key Stage 1 consists of Year 1 and Year 2 classes.  We have one class in each year group.   At the beginning of year one, children begin work on the National Curriculum

Key Stage 2 consists of Years 3,4,5 and 6. We have one class in each year group. Children continue to study the national curriculum. We divide the key stage into a Lower Key Stage (years 3 and 4) and an Upper Key Stage (years 5 and 6)

Key Stage 1 Phonics (Little Wandle, Letters and Sounds Revised ) and our Reading Schemes consists of Oxford Reading Tree books.